This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Allow the public to decide by referendum on any Brexit 'no deal' not Parliament

The public voted to leave the EU to be better off.
A 'no deal' Brexit will result in the UK being substantially worse off.
The final decision to accept a no deal Brexit it is so fundamental to the future of the UK that it should be made or rejected by the British people.

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The referendum will allow the public the opportunity to take the decision for the UK based the facts of a no deal.
A no deal Brexit has profound implications for the future way of life for the people of the United Kingdom.
The confidence held by the UK in its members of Parliament will be enhanced by being allowed to take this final decision by referendum. Equally, should Parliament take the decision the potential public anger at being worse off could cause public unrest and further division.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

56 signatures

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