This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition All councils should be required by law to collect waste bins once per week

Many councils choose to collect bins every 2 weeks. This results in bin bags being stacked up on the ground, which creates a hatchery for flies. Fly eggs become adult flies in as little as 10 days, so this collection period allows full generations to grow, transferring disease to humans.

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Flies carry bacteria that is very harmful to humans, including salmonella, typhoid, gastroenteritis, E.coli, dysentery and even tuberculosis. They can also carry viruses and even parasitic worms. They transfer these to humans by landing in dirty environments such as bins, dead animals, and animal waste, and then landing on our food and food preparation surfaces, cutlery and plates on draining boards, tap handles, etc. The transfer happens within seconds of them landing on a surface.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

28 signatures

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