This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make The Disability Symbol For Parking/Toilets Inclusive Of Hidden Disability

Does the government feel that only wheelchair users are classed as disabled when 93% diagnosed with a hidden dissability are blue badge holders?
We propose a change of the current disabled symbol to the universal symbol of a blue circle as an adjustment to reduce prejudice discrimination and stigma

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Most blue badge holders without obvious physical impairment who have parked in wheelchair symbol spaces have experienced animosity and prejudice by members of the public who judge them to be fraudulently taking up the space of 'disabled people'
As a representative of the charity Epilepsy Sucks UK and mother of a son diagnosed with a severe form of epilepsy and autism who is a blue badge holder I have experienced this myself.
I urge all with hidden disabilities to sign and state your diagnosis.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

251 signatures

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