This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Provide domestic violence victims with paid leave to help them escape abusers

An average of 2 women a week are killed in the UK. The majority are killed at home, often at the hands of a partner. One of the most dangerous times for a victim of domestic abuse is when they try to leave. In giving victims help with their economic situation, we could save so many.

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Alongside a threat of violence, emotional & financial barriers make leaving an abusive home difficult. Escaping requires meticulous planning and preparation. Someone may need time off work to move without their partner knowing or they may simply not be able to afford to escape.

If the UK follows the example set by New Zealand and the Philippines, in giving domestic violence victims paid leave to escape their violent household, we could help before it's too late.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

123 signatures

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