This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Stop medicine wastage Give our unused medicines to developing countries in need

Tons of unused medicines are returned to pharmacies every year. These medicines are incinerated rather than re-issued.

Meanwhile developing countries are rife with counterfeit medicines.

Giving our unused unopened medicines to developing countries would relieve sufferring and harm.

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When a medicine is returned to a pharmacy in the UK for whatever reason, we assume that it can't be re-used. This is not so.

Medicine wastage in the UK costs the NHS around £300 million with £110 million of pharmaceuticals returned unopened & unused to pharmacies every year. Instead of re-issuing these medicines they are incinerated.

These drugs should be given to developing countries across the world in the fight against counterfeit medicines which are rife and are causing actual harm.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

42 signatures

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