This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Require restaurant food to be labelled with carbohydrate content for diabetics

As a type 1 diabetic I find it extremely hard to work out exactly how much insulin I need to inject when eating fast food. Guessing my insulin means I may under or over inject insulin which has a huge affect on my glucose levels.

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Unstable glucose levels can have a huge effect on diabetics.

The NHS spend over £1.5m an hour on diabetes or 10% of the NHS budget.

1 in 16 people have diabetes in the UK which is over 4 million!

It’s a condition that is on the rise which impacts lives.

Severe Complications can occur from poor control - Heart, liver, kidney, eye and circulation problems are just a few.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

82 signatures

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