This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Raise the speed limit on the motorways/dual carrigeways to 85mph!

1967 was the year when the 70mph speed limit was set, since then cars, roads and driving moral improved a lot. Today 90% of the cars on the roads been made after 2005, these cars are all equipped with all the safety features to safely travel on higer speed.

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Higher speed limit must come with mandatory minimum that should be 60mph!

Belgium, France, Holland, Germany all has a higher speed limit than Uk to improve the traffic flow on their motorways, in my personal opinion this could be a solution for England aswell.

Austria just started to test a new 87mph speed limit on a 30miles section, if that works well they will raise the limit on all of their motorways.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,026 signatures

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