This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Make Jay walking a criminal offence and save lives!

Increase in cycling and the use of mobile phones and ear phones has made the need for this law critical now as thousands get injured due to this issue.

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In countries all over the world Jay Walking – crossing the road in the wrong place or without due care and attention - is a criminal offence so that pedestrians pay attention to the roads and don't risk their lives.

Daily I witness many people walking whilst texting, with phones, bumping into other pedestrians without a care; many nearly killed crossing the roads.

Others get injured too, cyclists/motorcycles', where the negligence results in the injury or even death and damage to their cycle. Countless videos showing these incidents e.g. where a motorcyclist was left injured and with a damaged bike, the Jay Walker just got up and walked off, leaving the injured man with a damaged motorcycle in the road.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

41 signatures

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