This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Ensure All UK Local Councils Provide Recycling Bins in All Public Spaces

The recent advertising campaign, encouraging recycling at home is right, 'One Bin IS Rubbish!'

But what if you're on your way to work, eating lunch on the go, or on a night out? How do you recycle then?
Most local councils do not provide public recycling bins, sign here if you think they should.

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The London Mayor is aiming to make London a Zero Waste City by 2026, but what about the rest of the UK?

Recycling schemes are organised and funded by local councils. However, this issue is not a local one, but a global one.

The government should make it mandatory to provide recycling bins in all public areas nationwide, and provide local councils funding to implement these bins and dispose of recycling correctly.

People may not throw away less rubbish, but we can throw it away, the right way.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

21 signatures

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