This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Ensure the UK's energy is supplied by 100% renewable sources by 2030

The aim of this petition is to show national resolve to saving our planet. To do this, the government needs to agree and put into action plans to set the UK on 100% renewable energy sources, 100% of the year, by 2030. (See additional information for more).

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In October 2018 the UN published a special report on climate change. This report predicted catastrophic effects that could threaten human existence by the end of the century, unless international cooperation ensured to eradicate man-made emissions within the next 10 - 12 years. The global governmental response had been lacking, if non-existent. This petition aims to also serve as a catalyst to other nations of the world by setting an example and showing it can be done.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

62 signatures

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