This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Reinstate the government Department for Energy and Climate Change

A caller to BBC Radio 4 Any Answers programme today (April 20th 2019) has challenged climate change protestors to exhaust ‘ the proper channels’ before taking to the streets. So, here is a petition calling for the UK government to reinstate the Department for Energy and Climate Change.

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Over the past few weeks schoolchildren have been on strike and Extinction Rebellion have been peacefully protesting across London. There are millions of us who can see the need for urgent action NOW before the damage becomes irreversible.

This petition calls for the government to resume working full time on these issues rather than relegating them to the background. We are an amazing, creative and innovative group of people, we in the UK should be at the forefront of this global challenge.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

27 signatures

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