This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Create an “Earth Tax” of 1% and use it to pay for green initiatives

Climate change is an enormous issue that is being overwhelmingly ignored. The consequences for ignoring it will be catastrophic and we must now act to prevent such disaster when it is so clearly becoming an issue.

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This petition insists that a tax is levied on all individuals at a rate of 1% of the taxed annual income, and at a rate of 3% of the taxed profits of all companies and corporations. This money is to be ring-fenced and put towards green initiatives, such as diverse afforestation, creation of solar power, and wind power farms, hydroelectric, and other renewable energy sources. To promoting the disuse of non-recyclables, and advocating the use of greener alternatives where possible and plausible.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

17 signatures

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