This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Make importing the body parts of endangered species into the UK illegal

Unlike some other countries the UK permits the carcasses and body parts of endangered species to be imported. Not only does this encourage British hunters to kill these animals and bring their “trophies” home, it also allows the UK to be used to transit them to countries that do have a ban in place.

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In South Africa there are 4 times as many lions bred and kept in captivity compared to numbers in the wild, purely for the purposes of canned lion hunting and the harvesting of their bones. The industry is rife with cruelty, corruption and illegality. It plays no part in conservation and brings shame on all who participate in it. While we cannot stop this barbaric industry, we can make sure the UK is not complicit, which it is currently. For more information visit

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

96 signatures

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