This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Spend 1% of bioscience funding on public engagement – which means education too
Getting Bioscience Policy Right is a 21st Century Challenge Every Democracy Must Rise To
We will only get this right for all if everyone plays their part
Our campaign - A truly public bioscience: empowering and educating the public, so its voice is always heard
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We need a different approach in which the power to decide on things that could affect us all is more evenly spread
We need a far better-informed public in order to reach a consensus about how we should use these technologies
Sign our petition urging the UK government to pledge just 1% of their spending for bioscience R&D and infrastructure on “public engagement – which means education too” and urge the life sciences industry to match that spending.
Read the full copy of this call to action:
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website
75 signatures
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10,000 signatures required to get a government response