This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Police to routinely carry a sidearm as protection

Too many police officers are injured or seriously harm in the line of duty. Statistics show a year on year increase with no sign of slowing down or stopping. Sign this petition for police officers to routine carry a sidearm as many other countries do.

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Assault on police officers has risen year on year. 10,399 assaults that caused injuries last year – up 32 per cent from 7,903 recorded in 2015/16.

Article 2 Right To Life should allow frontline officers to carry a sidearm through option/choice with correct training provided. Officers will still be held to account where applicable by PSD/IPCC. Only 5% of officers are authorised to carry firearms which is not nearly enough to tackle the rise in violent crime and officers being injured.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

25 signatures

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