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Closed petition Make employers give a minimum number of hours to staff on Zero-hours contracts

Legislation should be introduced to require employers using ZHCs to notify their staff (after perhaps an initial trial period) of a minimum number of hours work a month in advance.

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This would make it easier for workers claiming Universal Credit to plan for changes in their income, as it only adjusts after a month.

ZHCs have been rising incredibly since 2010. They give flexibility to Employers and thus may be a good source of new employment, and they do suit some Employees.

However they can also cause people employed under them difficulties, and can contribute to people falling into arrears on Universal Credit (UC) because it only reacts to changes in hours a month later, and thus some employed in ZHC may be on insufficient hours to make ends meet.

Further information supporting this petition is available here: http://bit.ly/2TIhyTe

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

79 signatures

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