This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Change the law surrounding the display of private number plates on vehicles

Private number plates are sold for profit by the DVLA who take revenue form such sales, they are purchased by people to identify their vehicles personally to them, sometimes names can be spelt from the plate lettering. I want a change whereby spacing can be modified without change to the font.

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Plates are a way of identifying a vehicle, as long as this can happen without obstruction, I see no reason why the DVLA or law should restrict something within reason to be modified to suit the buyer as long as the font remains consistent and not modified in any way, no adding of screw caps or tape to change a fonts appearance should be allowed, purely the spacing of the letters from the next should be acceptable and allowed as long as the plate can be clearly read and understood.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

59 signatures

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