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Closed petition A public enquiry into the RSPCA, and it's activities.

The RSPCA acts as a charity but also investigates and prosecutes people without any real regulation. After the Wooler and EFRA inquiries the complaints of bullying vulnerable people and wrongdoing have not ended.
Recommendations are required to prevent these problems from recurring.


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We would like the government to investigate in detail and highlight the negative issues. The RSPCA has not responded adequately to reviews by Wooler and EFRA. The RSPCA acknowledges the results, and promise will change for the better, however, but this is just lip service. Their role as both a charity and a prosecuting force, has become a conflict of interest. Due to this conflict of interest, defendents do not get a fair trial!

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

789 signatures

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