Rejected petition Fully audit the BBC and make public so we know how the license fee is spent.

As it costs each household £154.50 per year to fund our state television service. Us the public would like to know how much revenue is raised and how the license fee is spent by independently auditing the BBC down to the nearest penny. We have a right to know as we are funding it.

More details

A break down of costs of programming, wages, travel, expenses and travel costs, funded programming like Eurovision. In fact we want to know everything the BBC does around the globe. It must be independently audited. Not by BBC accountancy or Government. It will then be made available to the public online so we can decide if it is good value and if we need to vote for the abolishment of the license fee and have it replaced with a subscription based service including advertising to raise revenue.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

Petitions need to call on the Government or Parliament to take a specific action.

We're not sure exactly what you'd like the Government or Parliament to do. The BBC is already subject to an external audit by the National Audit Office. You can find out more here:

You could start a new petition explaining clearly what you would like the Government or Parliament to do.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.