Rejected petition COVID-19 and Royal Mail works. STOP all advertising. Post essential mail ONLY

Instruction to the Post Office Group’s Chief Executive Nick Read to minimize work for all members of staff, from sorting offices and post workers by ONLY posting mail addresses to homeowners and NO door to door advertising during the COVID-19 virus time.

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This excess mail does not only make more staff spending unnecessary time mixing with other workers during the sorting process but also gives the post walkers more exposure time to environment rather than being at home in isolation. The 2 person to a delivery van has been affected and now more post is given to the post walker to deliver before returning to the vehicle meaning the load is greater and the distance is longer. Please reduce the risk to our Post Office team and STOP unnecessary mail.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

This would be a matter for Royal Mail.

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