Rejected petition Stop all junk / marketing mail via Royal Mail during the UK Covid 19 Lockdown

Please stop junk / marketing mail via Royal Mail, you’re literally posting the virus through people’s doors !
It lasts at least 24 hours on paper & cardboard , and estimated to last more than 3 days on film / plastics / coated items .
Postal workers are spreading the virus across the nation.

More details

The Covid 19 virus is stated to last at least 24 hours on paper & cardboard , and estimated to last more than 3 days on film / plastics / coated items .
Many marketing materials are coated in filmic or plastic coatings.
Thousands of Postal workers are handing the mail daily, spreading the virus to their families & the nation via their postbox who then have to deal with it once it arrives through their door.
Stop all non essential mail as soon as possible to combat the spread of Covid 19.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

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We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.