This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Innocent until proven guilty, Release All in Remand awaiting trials
Due to the current situation of covid-19 quite a few people are in self isolation and out of work- there is lack of staffing in prisons and not enough room for prisoners to self isolate
If convicted prisoners can get early release
Then release ALL those on remand
Innocent until proven guilty!!
More details
It was recently announced on the news that some what 4000 prisoners would get early release to help the NHS , prison staff and the prisoners themselves... these were convicted criminals who were serving their time inside... if the convicted can get early release then why are the goverment holding on to the innocent???
Innocent until proven guilty
release All on remand
On electronic tag, strict curfew hours, risk assesment etc
everyone has the right to a healthy life
Save lives protect our Nhs
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months