This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Require travel companies & airlines to pay compensation if no refund in 14 days

Travel Companies and airlines are deliberately breaking the law and not refunding people for well over 5 weeks, not answering questions or replying to emails.

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In difficult times for everyone, people are relying on the money that travel companies are holding onto, they are breaking the law and need to be held to account. They should be compensating people who have not been refunded within 14 days.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

6,961 signatures

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Share your experiences of seeking refunds with MPs

Have you tried to get a refund, replacement, or repair since January 2020 at some point in the last two years? MPs on the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee want to hear about your experiences using your consumer rights.

This could include any experiences trying to secure a refund from a travel company and/or airline.

By answering this survey, you will help the Committee hold the Government to account, ensuring consumer laws are being effectively enforced.

Respond to the Committee's survey

The Committee has launched a survey for you to respond to. This survey will ask you about:
• What sector your issue related to
• The outcome of the situation
• What kinds of support you received
• How you think the process could be improved

You can complete the survey here:

The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete and closes at 5pm on 11 February 2022.

What happens next?

The BEIS Committee will use your response as part of its inquiry into state aid and post-Brexit competition policy.

The Committee might publish some or all of your responses on its website or social media. The Committee might read them out when they're asking questions in a public committee meeting or in the House of Commons.

The Committee won't ask for your name or publish any details that could identify you.

For more information about the inquiry, visit our inquiry page:

What is the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee?

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee is a cross-party group of MPs that looks into the work of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. It scrutinises its public bodies including Ofgem, the Financial Reporting Council and the Climate Change Committee.

Find out more about the Committee:
Follow the Committee on Twitter for updates on its work:

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee is a select committee. Find out how select committees work: