We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

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Closed petition Liaise with Pakistan to return HMS Arrow and convert her into a Falklands museum

Liaise with Pakistan to see return of 1982 warship HMS Arrow currently PNS Khaibar she is nearing the end of service in the Pakistan Navy. The petition seeks support from the Government to convert her to a Falklands War Museum recognising efforts UK made in securing victory in the South Atlantic.

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To retain a Warship that saw action in the Falklands War in 1982. To convert her into a Falklands museum that the Great British public can be rightly proud of. She is one of the last ships from the Task Force and should be retained and celebrated as part of our Great Maritime History along with HMS Victory, HMS Warrior, Cutty Sark et al. The museum would incorporate all units serving in South Atlantic and not just the Royal Navy.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

291 signatures

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