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There will be a General Election on Thursday 4 July. This means that Parliament has been dissolved and that all parliamentary business – including petitions – has been stopped.

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Closed petition Waive fees and fast track lasting power of attorney during the CV19 crisis.

We want OPG to waive fees and fast track LPAs for those contacted by the NHS stating they are at increased risk from Covid-19, as they are subject to stricter isolation guidelines and need trusted people to help with their personal affairs and health & welfare more than ever during this time.

More details

LPAs need to be registered with the OPG to be valid and they charge a fee of £82 per LPA (total fees would be £164 per person). This fee can be a barrier for many who would benefit greatly from having LPAs in place. In addition, a typical time frame for processing the registration is, in our experience, approximately three months. We want the OPG to support those identified as vulnerable and provide them the comfort of knowing their trusted people will be able to help make decisions if needed.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

11 signatures

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