This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Keep schools closed in the UK until an effective Cov-19 vaccine is available.

Keep UK schools closed until a successful Covid-19 vaccine is widely available to all members of the public. Efforts/funding should be solely focused on research, PPE provision, re-establishment of effective nationalised social services, support for long distance learning, and housing/food security.

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Not enough is known about Cov-19 transmission or its long term health effects-nor is immunity guaranteed. Reopening of schools prior to the widespread availability of a successful vaccine would be based on governmental speculation and dangerous wishful thinking rather than facts. By opening schools before a vaccine is ready, the government risks compounding the already atrocious number of unnecessary deaths within our population-that very population the government is elected and paid to protect.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

7,174 signatures

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