Rejected petition Keep schools and universities closed until September (AT LEAST) due to COVID-19.

There is talk about schools and universities reopening sometime in June, and out of concern of safety for not only students, but also teachers, it is not sensible to do so as the chance of catching the corona virus will be high, and deaths due to corona are currently still on the rise.

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Reopening schools so soon will only cause the number of people infected to skyrocket again, because schools are environments where illness can easily be spread. In addition to this, not only can the virus be caught in schools, but on the journey there and back, especially if a student or teacher requires public transport. Furthermore, as the end of the school year nears, (and when end of year exams/GCSEs/A-Levels would've taken place) it makes more sense to continue home studies until September.

This petition was rejected

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