This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make full sick pay for carers a licensing requirement for care homes.
I want it to be a legal requirement that Private sector Carers are paid full sick pay for a limited period of a month, as part of their employment package before a company is licensed to run either a care home or a care agency. In the case of an agency it could be done on an accrual basis.
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The Government stunned at such a high COVID-19 problems in care homes. Many homes were allowing visits from relations until lock down but also, it's because staff who are on low wages to start with, don't get sick pay. If they have what they think is a cold they often go to work out of necessity. This has been highlighted by COVID19 but in reality, you wouldn't want your end of life sick Grandmother or Father looked after by someone with the flu.Legislate for compulsory sick pay for carers now.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months