We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Protect retail workers from abusive customers

Protect retail workers from third party harassment. Make employers legally responsible for protecting staff against rude/ aggressive/ nasty customers.

More details

Introduce fines for those employers who don't act to prevent their staff from being abused or who don't take steps to support them when they have faced abuse.
All forms of retail staff suffer so much verbal abuse during their working hours. Through the COVID-19 outbreak and before the outbreak happened. I feel retail staff deserve more respect than what they’re given considering they are one of the sole backbones of our society and the reason we are able to eat and to live.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

50 signatures

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Share your experiences of violence and abuse towards retail workers

Have you experienced violence or abuse working in retail? Do you know someone who has?

A group of MPs called the Home Affairs Committee is investigating violence and abuse towards retail workers and would like to hear about your experiences.

You can share your experiences here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nt3mHDeziEC-Xo277ASzSjmyhv4Lz8tPuToBKZcY2O9URjQ3MDVHSDhIQlE0OTBSWFVLVjRWNFhVTC4u

You can find out more about the Committee's work on this issue here: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/915/violence-and-abuse-towards-retail-workers/

They’d like to hear from you by 15 January. Your answers will help them to understand the issues people are facing and what questions MPs need to ask the Government.

They might publish some or all of your responses, or read them out when they’re asking questions in a public Committee meeting or in the House of Commons. So please don’t share any personal information that you don’t want to be public.

You can get updates on their work by following the Committee on Twitter @CommonsHomeAffs or on their website: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/83/home-affairs-committee

### What is the Home Affairs Committee?

The Home Affairs Committee looks at and questions how the Government Department for Home Affairs:

· is run
· spends money
· decides on its policies

It's a cross-party committee and is independent of the Government.

This is a ‘select committee’. Find out how Select Committees work:
