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Closed petition Change eligibility to Self-Employment Income Support Scheme to a gradated scale

Currently there are rigid eligibility criteria to accessing SEISS, meaning many people who are outside these criteria, even by just £1, are COMPLETELY rejected for SEISS support. This is grossly unjust. Entitlement to SEISS should work on a gradated scheme, similar to Universal Credit.

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The current situation where someone just outside the eligibility criteria for SEISS receives zero SEISS is unjust. How can it be asserted that someone £1 out is not deserving of SEISS? A ‘black and white’ approach to eligibility is not appropriate in this scenario. People’s lives and businesses have been thrown into disarray by C19. Creation of new businesses has been promoted in recent years, and these same entrepreneurs now need help.A gradated scale of entitlement to SEISS is needed urgently.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

414 signatures

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