This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Make all Electric Vehicle Charging Points accept contactless payment.
In order to increase the wide adoption of fully Electric Vehicles, make all charging points accept contactless payments and ban mandatory sign up requirements for their use.
More details
One of the biggest barriers to electric vehicle(EV) adoption is the need to sign-up to several pre-payment apps in order to use the charging networks.
While the private sector is an important part of the EV networks future, their excessive range of RFID cards, apps and websites make their use frustrating.
I am asking that all public charging points are made to accept contactless/Card payments and that mandatory sign-up is banned.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months
Related activity
MPs debate the decarbonisation of transport
On 16 June, MPs debated the Government’s transport decarbonisation plan. The debate was led by Felicity Buchan MP, and took place in Westminster Hall.
During the debate, MPs discussed electric vehicles, charge point networks, battery recycling and mandating charge point networks in new homes. MPs also discussed decarbonising public transport including buses, aviation, shipping and rail.
Find links to watch the debate, read the transcript and access other relevant material here:
What are Westminster Hall debates?
Westminster Hall is the second Chamber of the House of Commons.
Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Any MP can take part in a Westminster Hall debate.
Debates in Westminster Hall take place on ‘general debate' motions expressed in neutral terms. These motions are worded ‘That this House has considered [a specific matter]'.