Rejected petition Put Little Britain back on BBC iPlayer.

I would like Little Britain to be put back on BBC iPlayer. Like most petitions of the type this will probably get dismissed as this will not be viewed as a problem created by the government. As of now the BBC is still funded by the public and therefore should be subject to public opinion.

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There may be a growing discontent surrounding various forms of satirical comedy but this is not an error of the comedy itself but the negative attitude of those who watch.
The blackface was insensitive and it should be removed, but I disagree with that as a basis to remove the entire show from air. Comedians have always joked about topics, not to condone them but rather condemn them, just a Hitler never made a holocaust joke, this action was not insensitive it was just a satirical skit.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

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