Closed petition Make Companies who make furloughed employees redundant pay them a retraining fee

I believe companies such as P&O Ferries / British Airways or any company that has taken money from the Government to pay furloughed staff their wages and then goes on to make those staff redundant should have to pay each member of staff a set figure for these people to use as money to retrain.

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The amount which is given to each person who has been made redundant despite being furloughed during this pandemic should be decided by the HM government.
Some companies Such as P&O have used this pandemic get rid of UK seafarers in Hull and replace them with cheaper foriegn nationals.
P&O claim to being in 15% of the UK's imports, then why should they be allowed to make so many of its employees redundant while taking furlough money from the state, they should have to contribute to retraining.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

83 signatures

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