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Closed petition Create fund to support parents who home-school & create national register

I am petitioning for families who are homeschooling children to be able to claim financial aid for supplies and educational subscriptions, especially for children with SEND requirements.

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The Government should also create a national register of all homeschooled children, or require local councils to create their own mandatory registers.

In the UK there are an estimated 60,000 - 80,000 children who are homeschooled, with these numbers expected to rise with 23% of parents saying they plan to continue homeschooling after lockdown; there are no regulations that require children to be registered with councils, which is a huge safeguarding issue.

Educational subscriptions, workbooks, printer accessories, stationary, extra tutors and GCSE fees are often unaffordable to families; this is even more for children with SEND requirements.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

35 signatures

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