Rejected petition Take accountability for Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis.

Take accountability for Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis & the lives lost in their war with Saudi Arabia as the UK provide weapons. Stop all future weapons exports and rebuild destroyed infrastructure, increase aid to Yemen & condemn the violation of human rights by Saudi Arabia.

More details

Yemen is dealing with the worst humanitarian crisis due to the war with Saudi Arabia who has been aided by the UK which has sold weapons to them. The UK has ignored Saudi Arabia's human rights violations.
24M people in Yemen need humanitarian assistance.
3.3M are displaced
17.8M requires water and sanitation
20.1M are hungry
19.7M need basic healthcare
3M are acutely malnourished pregnant women and children
9,864 are registered dead
60,000 are injured from the conflict.

This petition was rejected

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There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

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