Closed petition Review Ofqual's decision to make MFL spoken language assessment an endorsement

Ofqual has proposed that students' scores in their GCSE spoken language assessment should not count towards their overall MFL grade during the 2021 exams. This petition seeks to prevent that happening, and in doing so ensure that the speaking exam scores count towards grades.

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'Through studying a GCSE in a modern foreign language, students should develop their ability and ambition to communicate with native speakers in speech and writing.'

The above is the first aim of learning a language at GCSE outlined in the DfE's GCSE subject content document of December 2015. Removing the speaking element will not only be detrimental to those students who excel in that area, it will also undermine the importance teachers place on supporting learners to become good communicators.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

133 signatures

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