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Closed petition Do not increase tax for over 40s to fix the Social Care Crisis.

Instead of taxing the over 40's to pay more to fix the social care crisis, start by going after large tax avoiding individuals and large corporations.

Increase Corporation Tax for larger companies with over 100 employees, stop banking bonuses and bail outs for wealthy entrepreneurs.

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The average person over 40 who can afford to save for retirement are already scrimping and saving all they can.

The UK has the worst state pension in the developed world- in 2016 it was only worth 29% of average income. The EU average is 70.5% meaning that UK pensions receive more than two times less than comparable countries.

Any further taxation on over 40s to fund a Social Care Crisis, that progressive governments have neglected is unjust and could increase poverty levels.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

22 signatures

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