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Closed petition Increase funding for charities established to prevent Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation happened to over 6500 people in the UK from April 2019-March 2020.

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It has horrific physical and mental effects. In particular, decreased funding threatens the National FGM Centre, which safeguards around 3 at-risk girls every week (742 since opening) and has supported 341 survivors.

FGM has reportedly been done on 52,050 people since 2015. The real number may well be higher. It has lifelong consequences like depression, constant pain, childbirth complications, pain in sex, and more. The National FGM Centre, only set up in 2015, gets funding from local and central government, but this has been cut.

According to the centre head, "government funding to stop FGM has reduced by 76% since 2015". To end FGM in the UK by 2030 as pledged, charities like this centre are essential.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

23 signatures

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