Closed petition Make safe cycle lanes all over England.

The UK does try encourage more people to travel by bike. But we cannot expect people will cycle if we do not feel safe doing so.

Make safe cycle lanes by all roads, separated properly from cars. Smooth and clear enough for all citizens, from children to elderly, to feel safe using.

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Sharing the road with cars is terrifying to a lot of people. And the little cycle lanes available, especially outside of London are poorly made, inconsistent, thin, with a couple white lines on the road as a separation or a small bike stencil to indicate to drivers that the road is supposed to be 'shared'. This is not reassuring to anyone.

Two wheels and pedals do not compare to the heavy machinery, that is cars, trucks, buses and more. People are afraid of being killed. Make safe cycle lanes everywhere, separated properly from the road with curbs/fences etc. Look at the Netherlands bicycle infrastructure as reference, the UK has the potential to have safe infrastructure like this too if only the government made this a priority.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

52 signatures

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