Rejected petition UK Government to offer economic assistance to the events industry like Scotland

We need the UK government to provide economic assistance to events related businesses who are suffering unforeseen financial challenges due to ongoing suspension of this industry. Which will have a profound effect on hundreds of thousands of people employed in the sector.

More details

The Scottish government announced on the 26th July 2020 a £10 million fund to support the events sector.

We want the UK government to follow Scotland and offer a support package the to UK events industry otherwise the this industry which is worth more than £14 billion to the economy, will be lost with 25,000 businesses supporting over 500,000 employees—all of whom are worried that with no confirmed reopening date for events how they will pay there staff after the furlough scheme ends.

This petition was rejected

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There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

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We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.