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Closed petition Require exam bodies to return marked papers

Exam results have caused some debate. The easy solution is to return the marked exam papers back to the candidate. Firstly it provides feedback on performance. It gives the examining body great protection against allegations of bias or prejudice. If you have failed it’s easier to accept.

More details

If there has been a mistake it’s a lot easier to resolve. I found details of a case of an US student who did 5 essays. The marks were 18/20, 15/20, 17/20, 18/20 and 16/20. The secretary only added the first papers and the student was told of a mark of 33%. It was resolved very easily as the result letter contained copies of the marked-up papers. It greatly simplifies any appeals process and protects the student.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

13 signatures

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