Rejected petition Make abuse against people based on dietary choice a hate crime & Equalities Act.

Give Vegans and Vegetarians more protection under the law. Make abuse against people based on dietary choice a hate crime. Make veganism and vegetarians a protected characteristic under “belief” or generally under the Equalities Act so they are not subjected to hate crime or discriminated against.

More details

There has been a surge in vegan related crimes. A total of 172 crimes relating to vegans took place over the past five years, according to responses from 33 police forces across the country.

Nine crimes against vegans were recorded in 2015, 55 were last year, making it a total of 172 in the past five years. One man was punched in the chest by a man who had asked if he was a vegan, while in another case, meat pizzas were repeatedly sent to a vegan family’s home.

This needs to stop now!

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

The courts have ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief which qualifies as a protected belief within the meaning of Section 10 of the Equal Act 2010, so is already protected under this legislation.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.