Closed petition Require caffeine content to be declared on nutritional labelling of products

I call on the Government to require caffeine content to be declared on food and drink packaging in the same way as other key nutritional. Many products which have a high caffeine content are not required to declare this, yet the FSA has advised consumers to limit their caffeine intake.

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The Food Information Regulation No. 1169/2011 requires any drink with a caffeine content over 150mg/L to be labelled "high caffeine content". Yet the food standards agency recommends daily consumption not to exceed 200mg daily. This makes it difficult to regulate intake as many products with a high content but below this threshold are not required to declare this. This is especially problematic for those who have been advised to limit their caffeine intake for medical reasons.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

15 signatures

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