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Closed petition Commission and fund independent research into the efficacy of the RT-PCR test

The Government should commission & fund independent research into the ability of the RT-PCR test to accurately determine if a testee is truly 'positive' for a coronavirus/SARS Cov 2 infection.

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The test must be capable of detecting a complete genome to guarantee results accuracy, and not infer infection via gene sequence detection.

False positive test results have the ability to unnecessarily stop someone from being able to attend work, travel, socialise outdoors and so on. With the Government's proposed Operation Moonshot aiming to achieve a mass testing capability of 10 million daily tests by early 2021, it isn't morally just, nor should it be countenanced, that lives/livelihoods can be severely adversely affected via potential false test results. If the RT-PCR test is intended to be the foundation of a health passport regime, with 'curbs and sanctions' involved, then its efficacy must be second to none.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

1,090 signatures

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