Closed petition Automatic reporting restrictions on defendants under the age of 21

The Government should extend automatic reporting restrictions on defendants to all those under the age of 21.

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People are treated as young offenders till the age of 21, therefore it’s not fair they can be named in the media and potentially have their lives ruined. They have a lot to deal with as it is.

Young offenders and their families can suffer from being named and having their case detailed in the media. The Government should amend Section 49 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 to require automatic reporting restrictions on defendants under the age of 21. Prison is meant to be about rehabilitation, but media coverage can make it difficult to change and move on.

There could be exemptions for violent crimes where there may be a public interest in naming the defendant.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

11 signatures

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