Rejected petition Reveal an itemised budget of how £11.8Bn was spent on the Test and Trace app.

The Govt's has apparently spent £11.8Bn on the terrible Test and Trace app - information from which was lost due to the fact it was stored in an Excel spreadsheet. The cost cannot be justified, so the Govt should reveal how that money has been spent as the British people have paid for it.

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Demand an itemised budget breakdown of how the money has been spent, including all individual recipients and companies, along with any connection to Tory party members if such a thing exists. Once this is done, hold those who have spent this money to account given the fact that the economy is crashing and ~£12Bn for an app that doesn't work is beyond any reasonable spend on any piece of software ever written.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s an FOI request.

Requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act must be made directly to the relevant Government department.

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We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.