We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

Closed petition Keep the beauty industry open

Me and a few other young businesswoman in the beauty industry have come together to try and help each other as much as possible, Some being young mothers on their own, trying to feed their babies and keeping up with mortgage payments each month.

More details

We have already shown we can be Covid safe, wearing the highest level of PPE taking all precautions possible. We have already struggled so much being one of the last businesses to be allowed to reopen, we should not be required to close again as part of lockdowns.

If we are going to be closed, the Government must provide funding to help us? We have already spent most of the money so far ensuring our business are safe.

Help us keep our business afloat at this hard time.

This petition is closed All petitions run for 6 months

1,587 signatures

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MPs to debate beauty and wellbeing sector workforce

MPs will debate the beauty and wellbeing sector workforce on Wednesday 23 June in Westminster Hall.

This will be a general debate. General debates allow MPs to debate important issues, however they do not end in a vote nor can they change the law.

The debate will start at 9.25am and last for up to an hour and a half.

Watch the debate: https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/a2bb44ce-50d7-486b-ba8e-bcc0a8e84a66

You'll be able to read a transcript of the debate a few hours after it happens: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2021-06-23

Find out more about how Parliamentary debates work: https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/business/debates/