
This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Allow petitions calling for MPs and Ministers to be sacked

Members of Parliament should be accountable, the voices of UK citizens should matter even if it's only to allow those serving the public in the most powerful positions of UK government to remain grounded with public opinion.

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Currently a petition will be rejected if it calls for a sacking.

A petition will currently be rejected if it goes against the below rule. This rule stops the public from being represented by the actions of our MPs as they are not accountable.

"It asks for someone to be given a job, or to lose their job. This includes petitions calling for someone to resign and petitions asking for a vote of no confidence in an individual Minister or the Government as a whole"

We ask that this rule be removed so these petitions can be debated.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

465 signatures

Show on a map the geographical breakdown of signatures by constituency

10,000 signatures required to get a government response