This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament
Petition Amnesty to people in UK over 15 years. Especially with underlining illnesses.
There are people in the country over 15 years who could not apply for amnesty because they don’t have children and some of them also have underlining condition. Please allow them to apply to stay, work and pay taxes. They are dying in their homes because they cannot access healthcare. Please help.
More details
Every amnesty always include people with children and who can show that they have been working but there are people without insurance number or valid documentation who have been here and hiding, doing odd jobs with little pay but cannot go back home. Some people have underlining conditions but could not access healthcare. Some access healthcare under another name because they will be charged otherwise. Allow people to open up and get help. Pls do not send them back. They need help. It is reality
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months