
This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Allow family courts to attach powers of arrest to non-molestation orders again

A power of arrest effectively deterred breach as reported breach normally resulted in immediate arrest and a contempt hearing before a senior judge. It promoted calm while the court resolved related issues, crucially children, which can make victims vulnerable to former partners.

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Family courts were prevented from attaching powers of arrest in 2007 when breach became an offence to be prosecuted in the criminal courts.

However, taking action is now solely a matter for the police and CPS, not the civil courts, and victims face the ordeal of testifying in criminal proceedings of uncertain date and outcome.

When half of domestic killings occur around separation, powers of arrest provided continuous victim protection, with swift accountability for perpetrators of breach.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

591 signatures

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10,000 signatures required to get a government response